麻永財🧚🏻♀️,甘肅慶陽人❤️,1989年1月生😙🐳,理學博士,副教授(校內聘)🚥。主要從事魚類肌肉品質調控、魚類氨基酸營養與代謝、以及高效環保低成本水產配合飼料開發等方面的科研和教學工作。近年來⛹️🐢,在國內外期刊發表論文18篇,授權國際WIPO專利2項,其中🧛🏽♀️🛌🏼,以第一作者(含並列一作)身份發表論文5篇。擔任《Aquaculture》《Journal of Infrastructure Policy and Development》等期刊審稿人。
2011.09-2015.06 甘肅農業大學,水產養殖學專業,獲農學學士學位
2017.09-2020.06 華南農業大學,水產養殖專業,獲農學碩士學位
2020.09-2023.12 華南農業大學🖖🏽,水生生物學專業📱,獲理學博士學位
2015.07-2016.04 新疆北屯市水文水資源管理中心,科員
2024.01-至今 熊猫体育,生物與食品工程學院,內聘副教授
擔任《Aquaculture》、《Journal of Infrastructure Policy and Development》等學術期刊的審稿人。
1. 榮獲甘肅省魚類良種試驗站“優秀實習生”獎🕵🏿♂️,2014年👩🏿💻,排名第一;
2. 榮獲華南農業大學“三下鄉”團體優秀獎🥡,2018年🥷🏿,排名第二🙎♀️🥁;
3. 榮獲華南農業大學“優秀畢業生”獎👨🏻🌾,2020年,排名第一;
4. 榮獲華南農業大學“優秀畢業論文”獎,2020年,排名第一🦸🏿♂️。
1. 國家自然科學基金委員會面上項目(編號:31873040),廣鹽性魚類在不同鹽度下的HUFA合成能力的影響機製研究,2019.01-2022-12, 參與💃🏻。
1. Ma, Y.C., Li, M.M., Xie, D.Z., Chen, S.J., Dong, Y.W., Wang, M., Zhang, G.R., Zhang, M., Chen, H.Y., Ye, R.K., Wang, Y., Sun, L.H., Wang, S.Q., Ning, L.J., Hasana, A.K.M.M., Li, Y.Y*. Fishmeal can be replaced with a high proportion of terrestrial protein in the diet of the carnivorous marine teleost (Trachinotus ovatus)[J]. Aquaculture, 2020, 519, 734910.
2. Ma, Y.C., Xu, C., Li, M.M., Chen, H.Y., Ye, R.K., Zhang, G.R., Xie, D.Z., Ning, L.J., Wang, S.Q., Sun, L.H., Wang, Y., Li, Y.Y*. Diet with a high proportion replacement of fishmeal by terrestrial compound protein displayed better farming income and environmental benefits in the carnivorous marine teleost (Trachinotus ovatus)[J]. Aquaculture Reports, 2020, 18, 100449.
3. Ma, Y.C., Su, Z.L., Chen, F., Xu, C., Jiang, K.S., An, W.Q., Zhang, G.R., Xie, D.Z., Wang, S.Q., Dong, Y.W., Li, Y.Y*. Terrestrial compound protein replacing dietary fishmeal improved digestive enzyme activity, immune response, intestinal microflora composition, and protein metabolism of golden pompano (Trachinotus ovatus)[J]. Aquaculture Nutrition, 2023, 2716724.
4. Su, Z.L.,† Ma, Y.C.,† Chen, F., An, W.Q., Zhang, G.R., Xu, C., Xie, D.Z., Wang, S.Q., Li, Y.Y*. Dietary fishmeal can be partially replaced with non-grain compound proteins through evaluating the growth, biochemical indexes, and muscle quality in marine teleost Trachinotus ovatus[J]. Animals, 2023, 13(10):1704. (並列一作)
5. 麻永財, 張關榮, 李孟孟, 陳漢毅, 寧麗軍, 謝帝芝, 李遠友*. 軍曹魚營養需求與飼料研究進展[J]. 水生生物學報, 2019, 43(03):680-692.
6. Li Yuanyou*, Ma Yongcai, Xie Dzihi, Xu Chao. Compound feed for young fish of Trachinotus ovatus capable of efficiently substituting fish meal by animal and plant compound protein. Republic of South Africa, ZA2023/00178, 2023/01/25. (授權發明專利)
7. Li Yuanyou*, Xie Dzihi, Ma Yongcai, Zhang Guangrong. Feed additive capable of effectively improving substitution ratio of fish meal in compound feed of Trachinotus ovatus. Republic of South Africa, ZA2023/00179, 2023/01/25. (授權發明專利)