研究方向👩🦼➡️:高分子復合材料👲🏽、氣體吸附分離材料、MOFs 及其復合 材料的製備與性能研究 主要業績:承擔廣東省自然科學基金項目、企業橫向項目以及校 級項目多項,發表學術論文 10 余篇🤳🏼。為高分子材料加工教學團隊🦾、 省級課程思政示範專業教學團隊成員,承擔省級、校級教育教學 改革研究項目數項。
1. 靜電紡絲製備金屬有機骨架-纖維納米復合物材料及其氣體吸附 性能研究,廣東省自然科學基金項目,2016-2020,結題🕓。
2. 靜電紡絲製備 MOFs-聚合物納米復合材料及其氣體吸附性能研 究,熊猫体育人才引進項目💑,2016-2019,結題 1.國內外 PPR 管材料的結構與性能對比研究,茂名市石油化工產業 轉型升級技術創新公共服務平臺基金項目,2017-2019,結題
3. 高濃度、高分散性色母粒的研究開發,企業橫向合作項目🧏🏼♂️, 2021-2022,正承擔
2. Yao Q.; Zhan R.; Ren H.; Yang B.; Yang Y., Carboxyl or phosphate functionalization polyamidoamine dendrimer efficient scale inhibitor: Preparation and properties, Journal of Molecular Structure, 2022, 1252, 132130-132136.
3. Yang Y.; Chen J.; Li Y.; Shi D.; Lin B.; Zhang S.; Tang Y.; He F.; Lam K., Preparation and dielectric properties of composites based on PVDF and PVDF-grafted graphene obtained from electrospinning-hot pressing method. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A , 2018, 55(2), 148-153.
4. Lin, B.; Li, Z.; Yang, Y.; Li, Y.; Lin, J.; Zheng, X.; Lam, K.; He, F. Enhanced dielectric permittivity in surface-modified graphene/PVDF composites prepared by an electrospinning-hot pressing method. Composites Science and Technology 2019, 23, 58-65.
5. Yang, Y.; Sitprasert, C.; Rufford, T.E.; Ge, L.; Shukla, P.; Wang, S.; Rudolph, V.; Zhu, Z. An experimental and molecular simulation study of binary adsorption in metal-organic frameworks Cu-BTC. Separation and Purification Technology 2015, 146, 136-142.
6. Yang, Y.; Lin, R.; Ge, L.; Hou, L.; Bernhardt, P.; Rufford, T.E.; Wang, S.; Rudolph, V.; Wang, Y.; Zhu, Z. Synthesis and characterization of three amino-functionalized metal-organic frameworks based on 2-Aminoterephthalic ligand. Dalton Transactions 2015, 44, 8190-8197.
7. Ge, L.; Yang, Y.; Wang, L.; Zhou, W.; De Marco, R.; Chen, Z.; Zou, J.; Zhu, Z., High activity electrocatalysts from metal–organic framework-carbon nanotube templates for the oxygen reduction reaction. Carbon 2015, 82 (0), 417-424.
8. Yang, Y.; Ge, L.; Rudolph, V.; Zhu, Z., In situ synthesis of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks/carbon nanotube composites with enhanced CO2 adsorption. Dalton Transactions 2014, 43(19), 7028-7036.
9. Yang, Y.; Shukla, P.; Wang, S.; Rudolph, V.; Chen, X.-M.; Zhu, Z., Significant improvement of surface area and CO2 adsorption of Cu-BTC via solvent exchange activation. RSC Advances 2013, 3(38), 17065-17072.
1. 中國專利,何富安💂🏻,黎增田,林國豪🔘,楊營💤,林博,張世傑,湯 一文.一種聚合物改性石墨烯/聚偏氟乙烯高介電復合材料及其製備 方法,專利授權號♻:ZL2017100778841.9。
2. 中國專利,史博🏋🏼♀️,劉子健,楊營👴🏻,梁亮🐮💔,林盛華⚁,李澤雄🦻,李漫 丹. 一種螺旋藻生物熒光金屬有機框架化合物的製備方法, 專利申請 號:CN201910908011.2
3. 中國專利,楊營,梁穎🛏,何富安🎹👩🔧,史博. 一種聚酰胺 6-氧化石墨烯 -鐵基金屬有機骨架三相復合材料的製備方法, 專利申請號: CN202111439773.6