聯系方式:電子郵箱:banban997@sina.com 電話:0668-2923040
2012.09-2015.06 湘潭大學材料科學與工程學院,高分子化學與物理專業🤽🏿♂️,博士研究生,理學博士
2010.07-2012.08 玉林師範學院材料與化學工程系,系主任
2015.07-2017.07 深圳大學材料科學與工程學院,博士後
2017.07-2018.12 熊猫体育化工學院高分子系🐷,專任教師
2019.1-2019.11 熊猫体育材料科學與工程學院高分子系,系副主任
2019.12-至今 熊猫体育材料科學與工程學院✊🏼,實驗與實訓中心主任
一. 科研
1. 廣東省自然科學基金面上項目(2023A1515010931),在研🔫,主持
2. 廣東省自然科學基金面上項目(2020A1515010838),結題👳🏽♀️,主持
3. 光電子器件與系統教育部/廣東省重點實驗室開放課題基金(GD202301)🗣,在研🔷,主持
4. 廣東省普通高校特色創新類項目(2021KTSCX081)💪🙆🏽♂️,在研🛌🏿,主持
5. 企業橫向合作項目(819117)🧑🏿🍼🐮,在研◾️,主持
6. 廣東省“揚帆計劃”引進青年博士(918015),結題🧝🏿♂️,主持
7. 茂名市科技項目(2020587),結題,主持
8. 廣東省橡塑材料製備與加工工程技術研究中心項目(517004)🧪,結題,主持
9. 熊猫体育人才引進項目(518054)🌍,結題,主持
二. 教研
1. 廣東省高等教育教學改革項目,在研,主持
2. 廣東省課程思政示範課堂🤠,在研,主持
3. 熊猫体育質量工程課程教研室,在研,主持
4. 熊猫体育目標問題導向式教改項目😧🐥,結題,主持
5. 熊猫体育課程思政示範課程(競爭性),結題,主持
6. 熊猫体育課程思政示範課程優秀案例👨🏻🦰,結題🛢,主持
7. 熊猫体育質量工程創新作品類,結題👩🏼⚖️,主持
一. 論文
[1] Jianfeng Ban, et al. Evaluation of the performance of azobenzene liquid-crystal shape memory polyurethanes with photo-thermo-synergy responses. New J. Chem., 2022, 46: 12808.
[2] Jianfeng Ban*, et al. New star-shape memory polyurethanes capable of thermally induced recovery and hydrogen bond-self-healing. New J. Chem., 2021, 45: 8427.
[3] Jianfeng Ban*, et al. A study on sisal-based polyurethane foam with multi-shape memory properties. New J. Chem., 2021, 45: 13579.
[4] Jianfeng Ban, et al. Novel porphyrin polymers: synthesis and photoelectric property. J. Mater. Sci., 2021, 56: 1.
[5] Jianfeng Ban, et al. Design, Synthesis, and phase behaviors of a novel triphenylene-based side chain liquid crystalline diblock copolymers. New J. Chem., 2018, 42, 13581.
[6] Jianfeng Ban, et al. New stimulus -responsive shape-memory polyurethanes capable of UV light-triggered deformation, hydrogen bond-mediated fixation, and thermal-induced recovery. J Mater. Chem. A. 2017, 5, 14514.
[7] Jianfeng Ban, et al. The Effect of Liquid Crystal Fillers on Structure and Properties of Liquid Crystalline Shape Memory Polyurethane Composites II: 4-hexadecyloxybenzoic Acid. J. Mater. Sci., 2017, 52: 2628.
[8] Jianfeng Ban, et al. The Effect of 4-Octyldecyloxybenzoic Acid on Liquid-Crystalline Polyurethane Composites with Triple-Shape Memory and Self-Healing Properties. Materials, 2016, 9(9): 792.
[9] Jianfeng Ban, et al. The Impact of Liquid Crystal Fillers on Structure and Properties of Liquid-Crystalline Shape-Memory Polyurethane Composites I: 4-Dodecyloxybenzoic Acid. J. Mater. Sci., 2016, 51: 10229.
[10] Jianfeng Ban, et al. Influence of the Spacer on the Phase Behaviors of Side-Chain Liquid Crystalline Copolymers Based on Triphenylene Discotic Mesogen Unit. RSC Adv., 2016, 6: 38790.
[11] Jianfeng Ban, et al. Synthesis and Liquid Crystalline Behavior of Side Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymers Containing Triphenylene Discotic Mesogens with Different ength Flexible Spacers. Chinese J. Polym. Sci., 2015, 33: 1245.
[12] Jianfeng Ban, et al. Synthesis and Phase Behavior of Mesogen-Jacketed Liquid Crystalline Polymer with Triphenylene Discotic Liquid Crystal Mesogen Unit in Side Chains. RSC Adv., 2014, 4: 54158.
[13] Jianfeng Ban, et al. Influence of the Spacer and Molecular Weight on the Phase Behavior of Side-Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymers Containing Triphenylene Discotic Mesogen Units as Side Groups. Polym. Chem., 2014, 5: 6558.
[14] Jianfeng Ban, et al. Synthesis of thermotropic polyurethanes containing ester mesogen units and their mesophase behavior, E-Polymers, 2011, 11: 527.
[15] Jianfeng Ban*, et al. Development of Liquid Crystalline Polyurethane Composites with Staging-responsive Shape Memory Effects. Polym. Chem., 2018, 9: 576.
[16] Jianfeng Ban*, et al. Synthesis and characterization of sisal fibre polyurethane network cross-linked with triple-shape memory properties. New J. Chem., 2018, 42: 7130.
[17] Jianfeng Ban*, et al. A New Type of Photo-Thermo Staged-Responsive Shape-Memory Polyurethanes Network. Polymers. 2017, 9: 287.
[18] Jianfeng Ban*, et al. The influence of liquid crystals on the properties of sisal fibre polyurethanes with multi-shape memory effects. New J. Chem., 2019, 43: 3111.
[19] Jianfeng Ban*, et al. Biodegradable spirulina extract/polycaprolactone porous scaffolds. New J. Chem., 2018, 42, 7130.
[20] Jianfeng Ban*, et al. Liquid Crystalline Polyurethane Composites Based on Supramolecular Structure with Reversible Bidirectional Shape Memory and Multi-shape Memory Effect. New J. Chem., 2019, 43, 103.
二. 專利
1. 班建峰, 周璇, 潘露露, 廖軍秋. 一種具有光/熱三重形狀記憶星型聚合物及其製備方法. 發明型專利:CN110922561B. 中國. 授權公告日: 2022.01.04.
2. 班建峰, 廖軍秋, 潘露露, 許體文. 具有光-熱雙響應及可逆形變偶氮苯液晶彈性體及其製法. 發明型專利:CN115010900 A. 中國. 申請公布日: 2022.09.06
3. 班建峰, 潘露露, 廖軍秋, 史博. 一種光電性能優異的小分子摻雜卟啉聚合物的製備方法. 發明型專利: CN114854158 A. 中國. 申請公布日: 2022.08.05.
4. 潘露露, 班建峰, 陸紹榮, 許體文. 一種劍麻基形狀記憶聚氨酯泡沫的製備方法. 發明型專利: CN112094397 B. 中國. 授權公告日: 2020.12.18.5.
5. 陳少軍, 班建峰, 楊景晧, 卓海濤. 一種光/熱分級響應形狀記憶聚合物及其製備方法和應用. 發明型專利:CN106832172A. 中國. 2017.06.13